October 2 - 6 Treasure Island Group Presentation Project English 9

October 2 - 6 Treasure Island Group Presentation Project English 9

Group (2-3 people) Presentation Project
3 minute minimum

  • 11x17 movie poster
  • rap song based on a character
  • treasure map 
  • timeline of relationships
  • trip-advisor-like review with pictures for the "Admiral Benbow Inn"
Each group will require one MLA formatted paper explaining how each person contributed and the resources used with MLA citations. Here is an MLA google doc template.

The Presentation will be 3 minutes minimum 5 minutes maximum. All group members will participate in the presentation to the rest of the class explaining their role in the project.

There will be three parts to the assessment.

There will be a group assessment component based on an oral presentation rubric in the following categories:
  • Preparedness
  • Collaboration with Peers
  • Clarity of Speech
  • Content
  • Enthusiasm
and a self assessment component and peer assessment component based on several attributes related to collaboration.

Students will work in Class on the Presentation Project (and be working on *Wordly Wise 4)
Oct 2 Monday (after journaling and the Wordly Wise 3 Quiz)
Oct 3 Tuesday (after journaling)
Oct 4 Wednesday (after journaling)

Students will present on October 5 and 6, Thursday and Friday (and *Wordly Wise 4).

There is a sign-up sheet posted on the board in the classroom

p.s. Remember to answer these Unit 1 and Unit 2 Questions in these presentations:

  • How can stories affect us?
  • What is a hero?
This is a link to an hour-long adaptation of Treasure Island which may help you with your project. This is a longer film adaptation. This is a summary of the story. A resource for more information about Treasure Island https://www.shmoop.com/treasure-island-book/
If you use Schmoop be sure to cite it MLA style on the Presentation Project paperwork handed in:Shmoop Editorial Team. "Treasure Island." Shmoop. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 27 Sep. 2017.

For the map makers: http://www.guidetocaribbeanvacations.com/bvi/norman_island.html

Students may want to get supplies together this weekend to bring to class on Monday.

*Wordly Wise 4 quiz will be on  October 9th.


  1. Where is Wordly Wise lesson 3 on here? I wanna study for the quiz tomorrow!!!!

  2. And where is the sheet that I didn't get finished in class!!!

  3. Here's a link to a Quizlet for studying for this. It was on the Sept 25-29 post.


  4. Underneath DOWNLOADS, click on "Student Activity" at the top of each Chapter's page:

    Audio/Passage PDF/Student Activity

    1. http://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/pdf/student_activity/5492/5492-1.pdf this is the pdf for Chapt 4 There will be 10 min to finish it up tomorrow.


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