
Showing posts from October, 2017

English 9 Homework Oct 30 - Nov 3

Monday  1. Be ready to discuss the 6 Elements of an Epic Poem  link Six Elements Of The Epic: Plot centers around a Hero of Unbelievable Stature - The epic hero completes what everyone only attempts.  In ancient epics, the hero often is either partially divine or at least protected by a god or God. Involves deeds of superhuman strength and valor - Accomplish feats no real human could. Vast Setting - The action spans not only geographical but also often cosmological space: across land, sea, into the underworld, or thru space or time etc. Involves supernatural and/or otherworldly forces - Gods, demons, angels, time/space travel, cheating death and more Sustained elevation of style - Overwritten, overly formal, highly stylized (poetry, lyricism (singing), exaggeration) Poet remains objective and omniscient - The narrator sees and knows all and presents all perspectives. Tuesday 1. Which of the following characters would you say you know best? Classify the...

English 9 Homework Oct 23-27

Monday  1. Watch The Odyssey, Part I: The Structure of the Epic link 2. Study the 6 Elements of an Epic Poem link Six Elements Of The Epic: Plot centers around a Hero of Unbelievable Stature - The epic hero completes what everyone only attempts.  In ancient epics, the hero often is either partially divine or at least protected by a god or God. Involves deeds of superhuman strength and valor - Accomplish feats no real human could. Vast Setting - The action spans not only geographical but also often cosmological space: across land, sea, into the underworld, or thru space or time etc. Involves supernatural and/or otherworldly forces - Gods, demons, angels, time/space travel, cheating death and more Sustained elevation of style - Overwritten, overly formal, highly stylized (poetry, lyricism (singing), exaggeration) Poet remains objective and omniscient - The narrator sees and knows all and presents all perspectives. Tuesday 1. Watch The Odyssey, Part II : The R...

Homer: The Odyssey - Book 8 Visual Summary


The Odyssey Book 7 - Visual Summary

For a visual summary of Chapter 7 visit the comic above at this  link  and this resource below:

Homework October 16-20 The Odyssey

Homework for October 16-20 The Odyssey by Homer above taken from this site Monday Oct 16 complete the form for The Odyssey - An Anticipation Guide First Period Third Period Fourth Period Tuesday Oct 17 Read the following:  Plot Overview Wednesday Oct 18 Read the following:  Summary & Analysis Books 1–2 Thursday Oct 19 Read the following:  Summary & Analysis Books 3–4 Friday Oct 20 Read the following:  Summary & Analysis Books 5–6 Study for Wordly Wise lesson 5 Quizlet Quiz Monday October 23

The Odyssey by Homer

Comment below or bring one interesting fact about  The Odyssey by Homer to class Wednesday October 11, 2017.

Wordly Wise lesson 5 (Quiz Monday October 23) Quizlet

Wordly Wise lesson 5 Quiz Monday October 23 The class will continue with the Vocabulary Contest between the Alpha (Evens) and Omega (Odds). Quizlet

NCHS and Beyond Class Schedule

Beginning-of-the-day Activity Schedule: Sept. 28, Jan. 12, March 8, and May 17.  End-of-the-day Activity Schedule: October 6, December 1, March 9, and May 1. Remember to complete the following for November 9th Letter to self (1st Q) Set goals (1st Q) Develop a 4-year plan with registrar, Mrs. McNair.

NCHS and Beyond Grid of Expectations for Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Year


NCHS and Beyond Class of 2021 (Freshman)

NCHS and Beyond: Freshman Class (2021) Academic Components: Letter to Self : As students enter high school, they have expectations and fears of the unknown. Allowing students to express these will help them sort out their hopes and concerns. Set Goals : Using the SMART method, students will set goals for their high school experience. (S=specific, M=measurable, A=achievable, R=realistic, T=timely). Learning Style Survey : Students enrolled in the Academic Proficiency class will receive this as part of the course curriculum. Those not in the class will also be able to explore their best methods of learning through this survey. Four Year Plan : Each freshman will meet with the school registrar during fourth quarter to sign up for classes. In addition, students will review the graduation requirements for NCHS and will chart out a potential academic plan. Of course, the plan is subject to change as course offerings and the desires of the students change. Fifth Year ...