English 9 Homework Oct 30 - Nov 3
Monday 1. Be ready to discuss the 6 Elements of an Epic Poem link Six Elements Of The Epic: Plot centers around a Hero of Unbelievable Stature - The epic hero completes what everyone only attempts. In ancient epics, the hero often is either partially divine or at least protected by a god or God. Involves deeds of superhuman strength and valor - Accomplish feats no real human could. Vast Setting - The action spans not only geographical but also often cosmological space: across land, sea, into the underworld, or thru space or time etc. Involves supernatural and/or otherworldly forces - Gods, demons, angels, time/space travel, cheating death and more Sustained elevation of style - Overwritten, overly formal, highly stylized (poetry, lyricism (singing), exaggeration) Poet remains objective and omniscient - The narrator sees and knows all and presents all perspectives. Tuesday 1. Which of the following characters would you say you know best? Classify the...