October 2 - 6 Treasure Island Group Presentation Project English 9 Group (2-3 people) Presentation Project 3 minute minimum Options: 11x17 movie poster rap song based on a character treasure map timeline of relationships trip-advisor-like review with pictures for the "Admiral Benbow Inn" Each group will require one MLA formatted paper explaining how each person contributed and the resources used with MLA citations. Here is an MLA google doc template . The Presentation will be 3 minutes minimum 5 minutes maximum. All group members will participate in the presentation to the rest of the class explaining their role in the project. There will be three parts to the assessment. There will be a group assessment component based on an oral presentation rubric in the following categories: Preparedness Collaboration with Peers Clarity of Speech Content Enthusiasm and a self assessment component and peer assessment component based on...
Through the Tunnel Doris Lessing Textbook pg 22 Going to the shore on the first morning of the vacation, the young English boy stopped at a turning of the path and looked down at a wild and rocky bay, and then over the crowded beach he knew so well from other years. His mother walked on in front of him, carrying a bright striped bag in one hand. Her other arm, swinging loose, was very white in the sun. The boy watched that white, naked arm, and turned his eyes, which had a frown behind them, toward the bay and back again to his mother. When she felt he was not with her, she swung around. “Oh, there you are, Jerry!” she said. She looked impatient, then smiled. “Why, darling, would you rather not come with me? Would you rather---“ She frowned, conscientiously worrying over what amusements he might secretly be longing for, which she had been too busy or too careless to imagine. He was very familiar with that anxious, apologetic smile. Contrition sent him running after her. And y...
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