English 9 Homework November 13 - 17, 2017

Monday Night
1. Be ready to discuss:
What did you admire most about the parson?
Continue reading "The Silver Mine" pages 1-3 of the pdf 

(if you want to listen to the story while you read this is the audio link)
Remember to study for  Part 1 Common Prepositions (28) Wednesday, Nov 15th Quiz
Memorize aboard - except (the first two columns)

Tuesday Night
1. Be ready to discuss:
Do you believe good people can solve all problems?
Continue reading "The Silver Mine" pages 4-6 of the pdf
(if you want to listen to the story while you read this is the audio link)
Remember to study for Part 1 Common Prepositions (28) Wednesday, Nov 15th Quiz
Memorize aboard - except

Wednesday Night
1. Be ready to discuss:
How "The Silver Mine" has connections to our times.
Continue reading "The Silver Mine" pages 7-10 of the pdf
(if you want to listen to the story while you read this is the audio link)

Thursday Night
1. Be ready to discuss:
How "The Silver Mine" has connections to you?
(if you want to listen to the story while you read this is the audio link)

Friday Night
1. Study for Monday morning Wordly Wise Level 9 Lesson 9 quiz link


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