January 8-12 Homework and Activities English 9

Journal Prompts:

  • Monday - Define three types of conflict and give specific examples from class.
  • Tuesday - Define the literary terms protagonist and antagonist with specific examples from class.
  • Wednesday - What is the importance of a story's resolution? Give specific examples.
  • Thursday - Explain how heroic qualities can be seen in ordinary people.
  • Friday - Describe the difference between round and flat characters and static and dynamic characters. Give specific examples from class reading.

Vocabulary Homework:
 Wordly Wise 11 Test will be Wednesday, Jan 17

Reading Homework:
  • Monday - Part I (text pp. 201-205 or online link pp.1713-1723)
  • Tuesday - Part II (text pp. 207-208 or online link pp.1723-1728)
  • Wednesday - Part III (text pp. 208-213 or online link pp.1728-1738)
  • Thursday - Part IV (text pp. 213-215 or online link pp.1738-1744) 
  • Friday - Part V & About the Author (text pp. 216-219 or online link pp.1744-1750) 
The goal of the reading will be to participate in a "Socratic Seminar" on the conflicts and resolutions in  "Many Waters" by Margaret Deland (textbook pages 201-219)

Another link to this short story is to the collection of short stories, of which, "Many Waters" is the last story in the collection https://archive.org/details/shortstoryclass02corpgoog 

The student will be able to:
  1. Identify the conflicts in "Many Waters" by Margaret Deland (textbook pages 201-219).
  2. Explain the resolution of each conflict.
  3. Recognize the significance of the title. (Song of Solomon 8:7 and  Prov 28:13)
  4. Describe how the characters and conflict reveal the story's theme. 
Another link to this short story is to the collection of short stories, of which, "Many Waters" is the last story in the collection https://archive.org/details/shortstoryclass02corpgoog 

Email sjohnson.nchs@gmail.com if you would like a pdf of your own.


  1. I am confused about what we are supposed to read today (Tuesday).
    For today it says we are supposed to read parts two and three but the pages it says we are supposed to read for Tuesday only includes part two


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