February 20-23 Activities and Homework English 9

Feb 20 Tuesday

  1. Review for Quiz
  2. Quiz on In the Ring with Jack Dempsey by Paul Gallico
  3. Journal Prompt: Who was the protagonist of "In The Ring With Jack Dempsey"?
  4. Peer Read/Edit/Find Prepositional Phrases
  5. Group/Individual work on Simple Steps to Sentence Sense: Step 2 Verbs and Verb Phrases 
Homework: Study for Wednesday, Feb 21st Quiz Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 13 
Bring your color pencils, markers, highlighters and colored pens for "One-Pager" below.

Feb 21 Wednesday

  1. Quiz Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 13
  2. Journal Prompt: Which public figure would you like to meet and learn from?
  3. Peer Read/Edit/Find Prepositional Phrases
  4. Begin "One-Pager" about Paul Gallico's essay "In the Ring with Jack Dempsey". Based on these slides and Exposition Essay Content from last week. (If you would prefer to write an essay please send an email.)

Feb 22 Thursday

  1. Journal Prompt: What have you read that has changed you?
  2. Peer Read/Edit/Find Prepositional Phrases
  3. Continue "One-Pager" about Paul Gallico's essay "In the Ring with Jack Dempsey".
  4. Group/Individual work on Simple Steps to Sentence Sense: Step 2 Verbs and Verb Phrases 
Homework: Complete Group/Individual work on Simple Steps to Sentence Sense: Step 2 Verbs and Verb Phrases and use as study guide for test on Monday, Feb 26 

Feb 23 Friday

  1. Journal Prompt: What have you read that has encouraged you?
  2. Peer Read/Edit/Find Prepositional Phrases
  3. Complete "One-Pager" about Paul Gallico's essay "In the Ring with Jack Dempsey".
  4. Peer/Self Assess "One-Pager" and hand in for Gradebook entry using rubric below.
Homework: Study Prepositions, Verbs and Verb Phrases (Step 1 and 2)  Quiz on Monday, Feb 26 
Changed to Wednesday March 14


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