Apr 16-20 English 9 Activities and Homework

16 Mon
  • Journal Prompt: What are the differences between atmosphere and tone?
  • Complete your own "We Real ____" Poem
Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 17 Thursday, April 19

17 Tue
  • Journal Prompt: All good stories have conflict. Discuss.

  • Appendix A
    Puritanism, Neoclassicism, (Transitional) Romanticism, Realism/Naturalism, Modernism
    1. Who is the central character, or protagonist, in the story?
    2. Who or what is the central character fighting against?
    3. Is there more than one opposing force, or antagonist?
    4. If there is more than one antagonist, which one becomes the dominant enemy?
    5. How is the fight between the protagonist and antagonist resolved?
    6. How important is the conflict to the quality of the story?
    Human vs. Human        Human vs. (Creation/Creator)       Human vs. Self

Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 17 Thursday, April 19

Distribute and Record # of The Prince and The Pauper novels to those not using online options.

18 Wed

Comprehension Questions
Chapters 1 – 4
1. Why didn’t the Canty children become thieves as their father wanted?
2. Tom did not have an easy life, but he managed to keep his spirits up. How? What kept
things bearable for him?
3. What did Tom wish for more than anything else?
4. What did Tom and Edward notice when they looked into the mirror?
5. Mr. Canty doesn’t believe that Edward is who he says he is. What do you think will
happen to Edward when John Canty gets him back to Offal Court?

                                          Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 17 Thursday, April 19

                                          19 Thu
                                          • Wordly Wise 17 Quiz
                                          • Journal Prompt: What did Tom wish for more than anything else?
                                          6. What are some of the similarities between Tom’s and Edward’s lives? What is Twain’s purpose in highlighting these?________________________________________________________________________
                                          7. Why is Edward so excited about Tom’s life? What makes it appealing to him?________________________________________________________________________
                                          8. What is the divine right of kings? Why is it ironic, then, that the guard mistakes Edward for the pauper Tom? 
                                          Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 18 Thursday, April 26

                                          20 Fri

                                          Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 18 Thursday, April 26


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