Apr 9-13 English 9 Activities and Homework

9th Mon
  • Journal Prompt: How did you celebrate Easter? Write in 3rd Person.

  1. omniscient viewpoint, 
  2. limited omniscient viewpoint, and 
  3. first-person viewpoint

"The Open Window" by Saki (H.H. Munro)
"The Forty Thieves" retold by Andrew Lang
Review Frametale, Foreshadowing, Irony
Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 16 Thursday, April 12

10th Tue
Work on One-Pager

Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 16 Thursday, April 12

11th Wed

Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 16 Thursday, April 12

12th Thu
Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 17 Thursday, April 19

13th Fri
  • Journal Prompt: All good stories have conflict. Discuss.
Appendix A
Puritanism, Neoclassicism, (Transitional) Romanticism, Realism/Naturalism, Modernism
  1. Who is the central character, or protagonist, in the story?
  2. Who or what is the central character fighting against?
  3. Is there more than one opposing force, or antagonist?
  4. If there is more than one antagaonist, which one becomes the dominant enemy?
  5. How is the fight between the protagonist and antagonist resolved?
  6. How important is the conflict to the quality of the story? 
Human vs. Human        Human vs. (Creation/Creator)       Human vs. Self

Study Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 17 Thursday, April 19


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