English 9 May 21-25th Homework and Activities

21st Monday
  1. Journal Subject/Verb Agreement Handout (5 min)
  2. Film Study Hand out: Read the Questions (5 min)
  3. Watch Cyrano to minute 36:19 in Class (about 40 min)
  4. Put paperwork inside journal for following day. *Class helpers see the board.
  5. Homework: Watch Subject/Verb Agreement Video on Blog
22nd Tuesday
  1. Journal Prepositions of Direction Handout (5 min)
  2. Film Study Hand out
  3. Watch Cyrano to minute 1:19:34  in Class  (about 40 min)
  4. Put paperwork inside journal for following day. *Class helpers see the board.
  5. Homework: Read Grammarly Prepositions of Direction
23rd Wednesday
  1. Journal Film Study Hand out  (5 min)
  2. Watch Cyrano to minute 1:52:20  in Class  (about 40 min)
  3. Put paperwork inside journal for following day. *Class helpers see the board.
  4. Homework: open and read the links for upcoming assignments
24th Thursday

  1. Journal Film Study Complete Hand out (10min)
  2. Work on The Basic Outline of a Paper for a Theme in Cyrano due May 25th
  3. Rough Draft Due May 29th Final Draft May 31st based on this Five Paragraph Essay Rubric
  4. Put paperwork inside journal for following day. *Class helpers see the board.
  5. Homework: Share your copy of the Final Draft Digital Template
25th Friday
  1. Journal  Pair and Share about your weekend plans
  2. Work on The Basic Outline of a Paper for a Theme in Cyrano due May 25th
  3. Rough Draft Due May 29th Final Draft May 31st based on this Five Paragraph Essay Rubric
  4. Put paperwork inside journal for the following class. *Class helpers see the board.
  5. Homework: Share your copy of the Final Draft Digital Template


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