TOEFL English Enhancement May 21-25

21st Monday
  1. Journal: What is a memorial service? Peer Read/Review/Edit
  2. Listen to or instructor read Breaking News English Content 
  3. High-light new vocabulary on "Time Travelers..."
  4. True/False and Slashes Activity (time yourself)
22nd Tuesday
  1. Journal: What should happen at memorial services? Peer Read/Review/Edit
  2. Listen to or instructor read Breaking News English Content 
  3. Synonym Match and Vowels Activity (time yourself)
23rd Wednesday
  1. Journal: Would you like to be a time traveler? Peer Read/Review/Edit
  2. Listen to or instructor read Breaking News English Content 
  3. Student A/B Discussion
  4. Presentations as arranged
24th Thursday
  1. Journal: If you went back in time, what historical event would you change? Peer Read/Review/Edit
  2. Listen to or instructor read Breaking News English Content 
  3. Role Play
  4. Presentations as arranged
25th Friday
  1. Journal: Free Write Peer Read/Review/Edit
  2. Listen to or instructor read Breaking News English Content 
  3. Comprehension Questions/Quiz
  4. Presentations as arranged
Do not do spelling activity on the handout.


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