
Showing posts from September, 2017

October 2 - 6 Treasure Island Group Presentation Project English 9

October 2 - 6  Treasure Island  Group Presentation Project English 9 Group (2-3 people) Presentation Project 3 minute minimum Options: 11x17 movie poster rap song based on a character treasure map  timeline of relationships trip-advisor-like review with pictures for the "Admiral Benbow Inn" Each group will require one  MLA formatted paper explaining how each person contributed and the resources used with MLA citations. Here is an MLA  google doc template . The Presentation will be 3 minutes minimum 5 minutes maximum. All group members will participate in the presentation to the rest of the class explaining their role in the project. There will be three parts to the assessment. There will be a group assessment component based on an oral presentation rubric in the following categories: Preparedness Collaboration with Peers Clarity of Speech Content Enthusiasm and a self assessment component and peer assessment component based on...

TOEFL English Enhancement - Complete the Email Address Form Today

An email address is needed for academic correspondence. Provide an email address you will use daily. This will be used for submitting projects, papers, and for preliminary outlines and rough drafts. An email is needed today.

September 26th Homework - Complete the Email Address Form Today

An email address is needed for academic correspondence. Provide an email address you will use daily. This will be used for submitting papers and for preliminary outlines and rough drafts. An email is needed.

Sept 25-29

English Enhancement (TOEFL) This week we are working on Breaking News English story: Hotel for Gamers . There are additional resources at the site to practice listening and prepositions From the journal content these are two areas many are struggling with.

September 25-29

Unit 2 Character - What is a hero? This week we will be reading Treasure Island Chapters 1-4. It is in the textbook and also online. Here is a link to read it online and to listen to an audio recording if needed. Tuesday Chapter 1 with a student activity Wednesday Chapter 2 with a student activity Thursday Chapter 3 with a student activity Friday Chapter 4 with a student activity If you are gone on Friday, with Track and Field team, please get the handout to work on while reading as homework. We will do as much as possible in class. Wordly Wise Quiz for Lesson 3  Monday October 2nd Here's a link to a Quizlet for studying for this. We will continue with the Alpha/Omega Vocabulary competition. The winners this week 1st Period Omega 3rd Period Alpha 4th Period Alpha Be thinking of ways you can make points for your team using the following words: allude (v) to refer to something indirectly consecrate (v) to dedicate to a cause; to set apart as holy ...

Friday Sept 22 Wordly Wise Quiz 2 for English 9

As discussed in class, there will be a Wordly Wise Quiz for Lesson 2 on Friday. Many of you are participating fully in our Vocabulary game in class, be sure to speak out when you can to use the vocabulary and gain points for your team. Rules Reminder: Each class into two teams: Team Alpha (even class #) and Team Omega (odd class #) When a student properly uses a "Wordly Wise" word, team receives a point.  When a student notices the teacher using a vocabulary word, the first student to raise his/her hand, be called on, and say "Wordly Wise Word" repeating the word used receives a point for the team. Random, criticism of others, or repeated incorrect use of a vocabulary word may lead to a deduction of points. The winning team will receive a numbered journal pass to be used some time in the following week.  This game gives the student and their classmates opportunities to use and listen to the new vocabulary. The words may used in different and re...

Vocabulary Words - Wordly Wise 3000 Book 9 Lesson 2

This is a link to "Quizlet"  This is optional and additional help with vocabulary words from Lesson 2 of  Wordly Wise 3000 Book 9.

Through the Tunnel by Doris Lessing

Through the Tunnel Doris Lessing Textbook pg 22 Going to the shore on the first morning of the vacation, the young English boy stopped at a turning of the path and looked down at a wild and rocky bay, and then over the crowded beach he knew so well from other years. His mother walked on in front of him, carrying a bright striped bag in one hand. Her other arm, swinging loose, was very white in the sun. The boy watched that white, naked arm, and turned his eyes, which had a frown behind them, toward the bay and back again to his mother. When she felt he was not with her, she swung around. ā€œOh, there you are, Jerry!ā€ she said. She looked impatient, then smiled. ā€œWhy, darling, would you rather not come with me? Would you rather---ā€œ She frowned, conscientiously worrying over what amusements he might secretly be longing for, which she had been too busy or too careless to imagine. He was very familiar with that anxious, apologetic smile. Contrition sent him running after her. And y...

Elements of a Story

Elements of a Story Plot Characters The Story (Title/Author) Setting Problem (Conflict) Solution (Resolution)


Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Himself

English Enhancement (TOEFL) Breaking News English

There is a quiz is tomorrow. It was talked about in class today. Before taking the quiz, we will review the content. This is the link  to the information.

English Enhancement (TOEFL)

Student/Guardian Agreement due Tuesday Sept 12 Hand in the 6 question "Setting the stage for thinking and risking"

English 9 - Monday - September 11, 2017

English 9 Student/Guardian Agreement due Tuesday Sept 12 Hand in the 6 question "Setting the stage for thinking and risking" Lesson 2 - Wordly Wise Vocabulary List for Monday Sept 18 alacrity array deduce encumber fraught haphazard incontrovertible inexplicable ingenious laggard sustenance torrid traverse ubiquitous zenith Link to practice crossword

English 9 - Vocabulary Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 1

Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 1

First Day Questions: Setting the stage for thinking and risking

What are you passionate about? What name do you want used when calling on you in class? How do you want to be recognized? What will a successful school year look and feel like at the end of the year? What do you see as your greatest strength? What are the characteristics or attributes you want in a teacher? taken from